"Small Business Saturday Night" is the brainchild of several kindred spirits with a passion for entrepreneurship. Taking advantage of the video conferencing feature in social media channel google+ the group meets online every Saturday night at 8pm to discuss issues of importance to entrepreneurs. Stephano describes the sessions as "mind jazz." "The idea is pretty simple," Stephano says. "We start with a bunch of talented business leaders with complimentary skills. Then we have a theme for the evening and let the conversation develop." The leadership group are on video but anyone who joins the conversation can participate by typing questions and comments into the chat feature on the google+ hangout.
How Do I Join?
1) you must join and login to google+.
2) then go to the PrimalTweet google+ business page (you can CLICK HERE!! to go to PrimalTweet google+page)
3) add PrimalTweet page to your "circles" and we'll contact you with an invitation!!
4) follow instructions for the invitation and you are in.
Small Business Saturday Night, because small business people and entrepreneurs don't go out on Saturdays!
Please leave any questions or comments here for Stephano!!!